Allium Purple Rain
Botanical name - Allium acuminatum
Species of the garlic and onion family. Single stem, ornamental flowers, create height and show in the garden. Large open ball shaped flower heads made from hundreds of star shaped purple blooms. Usually flowering in the lead-up to Christmas. Perfect for cut flowers.
Position - Grows best in full sun however tolerates part shade.
Climate - Prefer mediterranean to temperate conditions. Able to withstand temperatures down to -15°C. Drought hardy. Require a cold winter in their dormant stage to flower.
Planting time - Autumn to Winter.
Watering - Water well after planting and while in bloom. Do not water after flowering, as wet soil will rot bulbs.
Flowering time - Late Spring.
Fertilising - Work a small amount of complete granular fertiliser or well-decayed manure through soil prior to planting. As buds form, apply a complete fertiliser.
Soil - Near neutral PH. Well-drained soil.
Pests - Fairly pest resistant as they produce sulphur, which repels insects and most pests.
Growing Tips - May be left undisturbed for many years, and should only be lifted and separated when overcrowded. Dig just after flowering. Store in a cool, dry location. Best if planted late autumn. Alliums are very slow to multiply. Generally do not like to be planted in pots. For best results, plant in clumps. Flowers form as foliage starts to die back.