TTulip Mascotte
Botanical name - Tulipa hybrid Double
Look as though they are related to a peony rose rather than a Tulip. They have layers of delicate petals and lovely colours.
Novelty - A collection of unique tulip hybrids with stunning variations, laced fringed and lily types, yet they are as easy to grow as regular tulips.
Position - Grows best in full sun or part shade.
Climate - Suitable for temperate/dry and mediterranean climates. Require winter chilling in warm climates.
Planting time - Autumn Watering - After planting give them a thorough watering, but do not water again until the foliage starts to appear. Natural rainfall should be sufficient. Keep bulbs moist during dry spells in autumn and late spring. Do not water when dormant.
Flowering time - Spring
Fertilising - Prepare the soil with a complete organic fertiliser before planting and then use a liquid fertiliser once the buds have appeared and then again after the flowers have faded. Soil - Well-drained soil, high in organic matter.
Lifting & Storage - Should be lifted each year. Dig after the foliage has turned yellow. Allow the bulbs to dry out (out of the sun) and then store them in a cool, dry and airy position. Pests - Aphids can be controlled by insecticide.
Growing Tips - Double, darwin and triumph tulips flower earlier than single-late and novelty varieties, so to keep tulips in bloom throughout the season plant a mixture of early and late flowering varieties. If using as cut flowers, choose blooms that are not fully open. Cut them early in the morning and change vase water frequently. They like some protection from the wind. Plant in cool weather (late April or May), if required place bulbs in the crisper for 4-6 weeks before planting.