The best place to plant your Bloomin' Bulbs
1. Bulbs you can plant in sunny positions
The bulbs below thrive being planted in such spots in a cool to temperate climate and they also tolerate shade for a couple of hours each day. In warmer climates they tolerate greater levels of shade:
- Anemones
- Freesias
- Alliums
- Hyacinths
- Brodiaea
- Ranunculi
- Dutch Iris
- Daffodils
- Lachenalias
- Spring Star Flowers
- Ixias
- Grape Hyacinths
- Sparaxis Species
- Gladioli
2. Bulbs you can plant in shady positions
These bulbs tolerate 2 - 3 hours of full sun each day or filtered light all day:
- Anemones
- Lachenalias
- Dutch Crocus
- Tulips
- Daffodils
- Bluebells
- Cuban Lilies
- Hyacinths
- Grape Hyacinths
3. Bulbs to plant in rockeries
These smaller bulbs are ideal:
- Blue bells
- Dutch Iris
- Daffodils
- Rock Tulips
- Rain Lilies
- Babiana
- Lachenalias
- Cuban Liles
- Grape Hyacinths
- Spring Star Flowers
4. Bulbs for naturalising
These bulbs can be left to flower happily by themselves:
- Anemones
- Ixias
- Blue bells
- Daffodils
- Dutch Iris
- Freesias
- Sparaxis
- Watsonias
- Lachenalias
- Grape Hyacinths
Refer to climate guides and bulb guides for further infomation
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