Select your new bulbs when available and ensure you have access to a good range and seasonal variety. If you purchase packaged BULBS, make sure you can see the bulb quality you are buying. Plant your bulbs according to directions.
Bulbs are easy to grow and ensure a beautiful, colourful garden display. Plant in groups or special garden areas for best effect. You have a colourful artist’s palette to choose from in the Bloomin’ Bulbs range.
Well drained soil and lots of sun are the main bulb horticultural recommendations. (Use plenty of nutriment to ensure best sustainable growth development).
Most bulbs grow well in pots and tubs, especially tulips, hyacinths, daffodils and crocus. Take care to keep the moisture up because if they are in the full sun they can dry out easily. Higher temperatures have an effect on bulb flowering.
Most bulbs require full sun or partial sun to thrive. If you are in a location with hot summers, delay you’re planting until the weather conditions and the soil cool down.
Pay attention to planting depth. These are shown on the packs.
Like most plants, bulbs like good drainage and adequate moisture during the growing season.
Do not over fertilise bulbs especially those in pots with phosphate type artificial fertilisers. Safe organic type Nutriments are the best.
Grower Secrets: Tulips and Hyacinths benefit greatly from 6-8 weeks in the crisper section of the refrigerator before planting.
Slect your bulbs in accordance to your climate - view the climate guide